University of Florida

Frequently Asked Questions

Application Questions

Are GRE scores required for the online M.S. in APK?

No, the GRE is not required to apply or be accepted into the online APK master’s program.

Is there a GPA requirement?

Applicants should have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher on all credits attempted after reaching 60 earned undergraduate semester credit hours (or 90 quarter credit hours)

Does my undergraduate degree need to be in exercise science or in a STEM field?

We welcome applicants with undergraduate degrees from any field. However, the Applied Physiology and Kinesiology program is fully science based and so students need to be comfortable studying and working with scientific research and data.

How soon will I receive a decision after submitting my application?

You should receive a decision via email within two weeks.

Does the online M.S. in APK accept international students?

Yes. Please see our international students application page.

Are students only accepted in the fall semester?

No, we offer three starts throughout the year:

Term Start Date*
Fall Third week in August
Spring First week in January
Summer Second week in May

*These start dates are subject to change. Please contact APK-online@hhp.ufl.edu to confirm start dates and deadlines.

Degree, Coursework, and Format Questions

How long is each course in the program?

Fall and spring semester courses are 15 weeks long, including a week for final exams. Summer semester courses are 12 weeks long with a mid-summer, week-long break and no extra week for final exams.

How much time will I be spending on the program each week?

This varies depending on the number of courses you are taking each semester, and depends on your personal learning style. On average, students should plan to devote eight to ten hours per week, per course.

How long does the degree take to complete?

For the online M.S. in APK with a concentration in human performance, full-time students can complete the degree in as little as one year. Full time is considered to be enrolled in three classes a semester.

Part-time students can complete the degree in as little as 1.5 years. However, students can choose to spread out their coursework if needed. The average completion time is five semesters.

If the degree is not completed within seven years, the coursework taken prior will expire.

How much does the full online M.S. in APK degree cost?

Cost/Credit Hour (includes fees) $585.75
Total Tuition* $17,572.50

*Based on 30 total credit hours minimum for graduation, price estimate includes fees

We have more information on our tuition and financial aid page.

When are tuition payments due?

The UF College of Health & Human Performance follows the main University of Florida fee payment schedule, which you can view here.

Are any scholarships or financial aid available?

Financial aid may be available for students who qualify. The College of Health & Human Performance offers a limited number of scholarships to eligible applicants. The UF Office for Student Financial Affairs has detailed information on general grants, scholarships, and loans offered by the university.

You may also be able to receive all or some of your tuition reimbursed from your employer.

If you are a veteran seeking financial aid, the UF Office of Student Veteran Services has its own guide to Grants and Scholarships.

Do I have to be enrolled full time?

You can choose to attend classes full time (defined as nine credit hours/three courses) or part time (at little as one course at a time). On average, online students take two courses a semester.

How do I log into the courses?

After you complete the application and course registration process, you can access online courses by logging into UF’s e-Learning website at any time. Go to elearning.ufl.edu and select “e-Learning Login” to enter your Gatorlink username and password.

You will not be able to access your course until the start date listed in the course registration materials. Some course content will not be immediately available to you. Instructors may open and close access to lessons according to the schedule posted in their course syllabus.

Do I have to view or participate in classes at a certain time?

The courses are offered asynchronously, meaning they do not take place at a set time or on a set schedule. Some courses are presented live, but they are all recorded and available at a later time.

Occasionally, you will need to attend Adobe Connect webinar sessions where you can speak with an instructor or view a classmate’s presentation. Adobe Connect sessions are always recorded so you can listen at your convenience if a live session is scheduled at a time that is inconvenient for you.

Can I earn any credit for past coursework?

You can transfer up to nine credits into the program, if approved by the program advisor and the Graduate School, but those credits can not have been used to satisfy your undergraduate degree or any other earned degree.

What kind of technology will I need to participate in the classes?

  • Hardware and Software

    On-going access to a computer and the internet is required for all students. UF’s Information Technology page maintains a full list of student computing requirements. UF also offers dozens of apps free of cost to their students and faculty. Visit the UF Apps page for more information.

  • Email
    Once you are a student, you will have the chance to set up a GatorLink user name, which will then be connected to a UFL email account. All official communication will be sent to this email account. Your UF email can be set up two weeks after you have been admitted to the program.

    You can find additional help with your email and accessing Microsoft Outlook by visiting mail.ufl.edu.

  • Canvas
    The courses will be delivered using Canvas, an online learning management system. You will need a GatorLink ID to access this e-learning site, as well as access to high-speed internet. For Canvas help, FAQs, and a quick-start guide, visit the UF e-Learning site.

Do I need to come to Gainesville for any part of the degree?

The M.S. in APK with a concentration in human performance is offered completely online. You do not have to come to campus for any reason, though you are always welcome to visit.

As an online student, am I allowed to walk during commencement?

Absolutely! For more information about commencement, please visit the University of Florida commencement information page.

Will my diploma indicate that I was an online student?

No, your transcripts and diploma will not have any indication that you completed your course online.

What kinds of jobs can I get with this master’s degree?

The Master of Science in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology provides a strong, science-based foundation for many health and fitness careers. Our graduates go on to excel in careers such as:

  • Coach
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Occupational Health and Safety Specialist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Kinesiologists
  • Performance Trainer
  • Personal Trainer
  • Physical Therapist
  • Sport Psychology Professional
  • Sport Scout
  • Strength & Conditioning Coach
  • Teacher
  • Rehabilitation Specialist
  • Researcher

Visit our APK careers page for more information.

Student Services Questions

Are there any resources to help distance learners?

As an online student, you will be granted the following services:

Who do I contact to answer questions related to veteran affairs?

You can connect with the UF Office of Student Veteran Services at veterans.ufl.edu or by email at vacounselor@ufl.edu.

Who do I contact to answer questions related to disability services?

You can connect with the UF Disability Resource Center at disability.ufl.edu.

Request Brochure

To learn more about the University of Florida’s online Master of Science in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology and download a free brochure, fill out the fields below. You can also call (352) 662-3395 to speak to an enrollment specialist.

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